The Windows version of the game had performance problems, particularly during intense combat. Richard Leadbetter of Digital Foundry noted the "tremendously high frame times" and "extraordinary" stuttering, especially during encounters with the maidens and other enemies with certain animations. Leadbetter attributed this to a combination of Denuvo along with Capcom's own anti-tamper software. In July 2021, a pirated version of the game by an independent cracker was released, effectively stripping away the Denuvo and Capcom digital rights management (DRM) software.[72] Leadbetter tested this version against the original release and was able to confirm that the crack improved upon the game's performance, stating that "By stripping out what the hackers call Capcom's entry points for the DRM... the game is absolutely transformed in those areas." A similar problem where Capcom had added additional DRM atop Denuvo had affected Devil May Cry 5 for Windows, and after Capcom's official update that removed Denuvo and its DRM, Devil May Cry 5's performance was improved.[73] Capcom released a patch for Village later that July that, among other changes, altered how the game used Denuvo.[74] Leadbetter found that the patch improved performance, running equivalent to the pirated version.[75]
9. Those historical events are signs in this sense that their proper and intelligent study provides proofs of the fact that there is only one God: and that the law of retribution is universal and is based absolutely on the differentiation between the knowledge and moral practice of the truth and falsehood: that this law also requires another world (the Hereafter) for its due fulfillment. Moreover, these events contain signs that serve as warnings against the evil consequences of building up systems of life on false creeds and theories, and help one to learn lessons from them.
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I'm at the part in the game where you have to fight a seemingly never-ending amount of Lickers, and I'm finding it extremely tough-going. In fact, I've rage-quit the game about five times over the past week after failing to get past them, and I'm just about ready to crack. I'm only on Normal difficulty. I could use my Magnum on them, but I really want to conserve what little Magnum ammo I have (11 bullets in total, I think) for later, as I'm sure that it will come in handy. I have watched videos on YouTube, and the players there seem to be killing them with two shotgun blasts- however, it takes about 4 blasts (or more) to kill one with my fully upgraded Ithaca, and by then they're already piercing my neck with their tongue and generally mauling me. I have an almost fully-upgraded S75 rifle, which rocks, but it takes too long to take each shot when there are ten Lickers bearing down on you. Any useful hints or strategies for killing these guys? Thanks. 2ff7e9595c