Printers, advertising studios, photo studios and photographers will find 3DMasterKit a useful and cost effective solution for expanding their business in a new dimension, increasing quality and productivity of generated 3D images and lenticular products.
3d Lenticular Software.rarl
While lenticular printing can be used to make an image flip, animate, zoom, or morph, one of the most popular lenticular effects is the 3D depth effect. With 3D depth, an image looks so real that you can almost touch it! No matter what effect, lenticular images make for some of the most eye-catching, interesting, and fun items for you, your friends, and your family.
Lenticular posters and 3D postcards are perfect for decorating the home to achieve a neat retro or even futuristic vibe. Wooden frames for your 3D posters will make your lenticular prints quite fancy indeed. Color-changing or pattern-changing purses, key chains, pencil cases, lipstick cases, and make up bags are great accessories for the fashion-forward individual. And we offer a variety of lenticular luggage tags perfect for customizing your baggage when traveling. We've even got Hawaii themed bag tags for those who long for tropical beaches and USA themed travel tags for Patriots abroad.
Our lenticular fabric sheets are probably the most versatile product we have. Take a sheet of your favorite lenticular pattern and sew it into your own stylish handbag or baseball hat or use it to line your scrapbook! Your friends will be so impressed with your unique designs.
Of course, we've also got our Betty Boop lenticular gifts: 3D Betty Boop notebooks, lenticular Betty Boop checkbook covers, Betty Boop luggage tags, Betty Boop photo albums, and more. These are perfect for anyone looking for a great Mother's Day gift for all of you mothers out there.
Don't forget our other miscellaneous lenticular items! Our 3D bookmarks will never let you lose your place in books. Lenticular coin purses will keep your coins all in one place. Lenticular magnets make your fridge sparkle with futuristic 3D magnet shine.
To mimic the real world, lenticular prints use a plastic sheet of fine lenticules or lens and a special 2D interlaced photo to direct a slightly different image to each eye. The resulting print has amazing depth, viewed without the aid of special glasses etc.
If you have done lenticular printing before you should know how tedious it is to finish a project from the beginning to the end. Conservatively estimating it will take at least few hours on setting up the picture shooting, another few or even 10 hours on picture preparation and interlacing. But now, with the motorized 3D slider track, 3Dependable Dolly and the 3Dependable 3D Portrait Producer software all can be done in less than 15 minutes. Please watch the video and visit the tutorial page to verify our claim.
The training on lenticular software is complementary to buying it. The goal is that the customer can acquire an overview of all options enabled in the software and, above all, concrete examples and case studies on real customer needs.
We will also provide pre-press services while the user becomes familiar with the software. So the customer can take advantage of the investment from the first minute. This lenticular pre-press service has an additional and very affordable cost that will help the user to practice with their own works and be fully familiar with the use of software and lenticular applications.
For true stereoscopic 3D you need a camera system that takes pairs of images from different viewpoints. There has been a handful of 3D digital cameras on the market in recent years, though all seem to have been withdrawn now. The most prominent was the amateur-oriented Fujifilm Real 3D W1 and second-generation W3 cameras (such as that pictured below, currently available second-hand for around USD/EUR500), which had two lenses and sensors plus a built-in lenticular preview/playback screen as well as an optional larger format standalone playback screen.
Quite a lot of the images seen in 3D lenticular prints are not true stereoscopic images at all: they are conventional 2D images whose elements have been separated into layers, with software that fills in the edges of the resulting holes and simulates depth between the layers (and can be achieved easily with the latest version of Photoshop, with its 'Content Aware Fill' tool). This effect works surprisingly well, even though each layer is actually flat.
The production stage of lenticular imaging converts the images into interlaced strips with the appropriate measurements for the lens material, printing process, print size, resolution and halftone setting.
3DZ is one of the first lenticular software suites and is still being developed in 2015. Its 3D Lenticular Suite 2015 includes applications to do pretty well everything needed at the creative, production and output stages. Its current interlacer is called V7.
Imagiam, in Barcelona, has been selling its Lenticular Effects modular suite since 2000. This runs on Mac OSX or Windows and offers the creation, interlacing and printing of lenticular images with different effects: flip, zoom, movement, animation, 3D, etc. Developer David Garcia says it is used in demo suites by Heidelberg, KBA and Canon/Océ Denmark.
We have explained on a few occasions that lenticular printing is based on the principle of binocular disparity. Theoretically, we only need a stereo pair or two pictures, one for the left eye and one for the right eye, to create the disparity for 3D perception. But in reality, high-quality 3D lenticular prints will require more than just two pictures for creating a realistic 3D perception and a smoother 3D viewing experience. In this article, we will present different ways to obtain source pictures for excellent lenticular 3D printing.
Both depth map and isobar approaches are used in some ad hoc lenticular printing software. They both provide very intuitive concepts to add depth to objects. But in terms of convenience, the isobar approach is easier. Creating a workable depth map can be tedious and requires a great deal of experience.
One of the constraints with barrier methods is that so much of the imageis occluded that they typically need to be printed onto a transparentsheet and back lit. They are usually mounted in special light boxes/frames.An advantage is that the image and barrier sheet can be created throughthe same printing process resulting is a matched image and barrier thusreducing many of the distortion effects that plague lenticular sheets.
The key to successful creation of autostereoscopic images based uponlenticular sheets is the quality and uniformity of the lens. The sheet is usually made so that the back side of the sheet is exactlyone focal length behind the lens so that the image data emergescollimated from each individual lens.Unlike the barrier methods, the whole surface of the lenticular sheetradiates light, there are no opaque slits.
The way the individual images are interleaved to form a compositelenticular image has already been outlined. The general case is illustratedbelow for N sub-images that are interleaved to form a composite that isN times wider than the individual images. Note: it is assumed that theN sub-images are all the same size and correctly registered. The finalimage is stretched vertically so as to form a lenticular image than is of the same proportions as the sub-images but N time larger (verticallya well as horizontally).
It should be noted that the final stretching could be performed justbefore printing, that is, the vertically stretched version need not besaved. This is a worthwhile consideration given that composite imagestend to be very large and that run length encoding normally runs horizontallyand thus the vertical redundancy won't be compressed. Of course one coulduse run length encoding on a rotated version of the lenticular composite.Note also that the image would ideally not be compressed with a lossy compressionscheme.
For all these techniques any set of sub-images can be used. They mightbe images arranged as an animation sequence or indeed they could betotally unrelated images. These give rise to the lenticular specialeffect cards often used for advertising. The discussion here willbe on creating autostereoscopic lenticular images from virtual 3Dgeometry, the earlier discussion is enough to form lenticular sheetsof animated or arbitrary sub-images. The creation of lenticular sheets from real photography will not be discussedalthough the technique is the same but it requires sophisticatedcamera mounting hardware.
NotesPrintingThere are some considerations when printing images for lenticular sheets.The output device needs to have sufficient resolution to print the composite image without dithering across each pixel. For example ifyou use a 40 line per inch lens, and ten sub-images then the printermust be capable of 400 dpi. In practice you can use a printer that hasa resolution of an integer multiple of 400 dpi. It is important torealise that the printer must be able to print whatever colours youuse at that resolution. For example, a colour printer that uses 3 dyessay might be rated at 400 dpi but only if you use those exact 3 colours,any other colour needs to use a dithered combination of the 3 dyesresulting is a much lower real resolution. The best printers for makingcomposite images are high definition continuous tone printers.
It goes without saying that alignment of the composite image onto theback of the lenticular sheet is critical for good results. Looking through the sheet at sharp edgeson the image or it's border is an ideal way to getting the image alignedvertically. If the image "jumps" when looked at directly simply shiftthe lenticular sheet horizontally so the "jumping" occurs when the image is viewed from slight angles. 2ff7e9595c